What is menstrual cycle & which hormone regulate menstrual cycle
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What is menstrual cycle in women ?
Girls start getting their periods around the time their bodies change on the age called “puberty” and they stop getting period when they get older and can’t have babies anymore they called “menopause”
Imagine a garden that seeds egg. Every month, it gets ready to plant a special seed called an egg. But first, it needs to clean up the old garden to plant new seed called egg , similary in women every month there is cycle to which bring new egg and flashes the old one and this usualy long about 3 to 7 days depend on women to women.
Phases of menstrual cycle :
There are four phases of menstrual cycle
- Regenerative phase
- proliferative phase
- secretory phase
- menstrual phase or menstruation.
Regenerative phase:
- Regeneration of the endometrium starts even before the menstruation stops.
- It is completed 2-3 days after the end of menstruation.
- The thickness measures about 2mm.
Proliferative phase:
- This stage extends from the 5th or 6th day to the 14th day of the menstrual cycle.
- The proliferative changes occur due to a rise in ovarian estrogen.
- The thickness averages 3-4mm.
Secretory phase:
- It begins on day 15 and ends 5-6 days before menstruation.
- The thickness of the endometrium reaches its highest, 6-8mm.
Menstrual phase:
- The functionalis layer of the endometrium shed off during menstruation lasts 3 to 5 days.
- The basalis layer does not change and remains intact.
- Bleeding occurs in this phase.
Hormones affecting the menstrual cycle:
- Hormones like estrogen, progesterone, FSH, and LH influence each phase.
- Their levels determine the specific phase in the cycle.
- The anterior pituitary gland secretes FSH and LH, stimulating ovarian follicles and estrogen production.
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symptoms of menstrual cycle:
- vaginal bleeding
- colicky pain in abdomen
- premonitory symptoms like pelvic discomfort,backache,fullness of the breast just prior to menstruation.
- headache or depression.
Here’s what’s typical for menstrual cycles:
- The cycle is different for everyone. Menstrual bleeding might happen every 21 to 35 days and last for 2 to 7 days.
- for the first few years at the onset of period longer cycles are very common.
- with advancing age, of the people menstrual cycles tend to shorten and become more regular . Your period might be light or heavy, painful or pain-free, long or short, and still be considered typical. Within a broad range, “typical” is what’s typical for you .
Some Most asked Questions
Can a new sex partner change your menstrual cycle ?
No,Changing the sex partner will not change women menstrual cycle and but changing the harmon might change is beacuse this cycle is primily controlled by harmonic changes .but stress can make the changes in harmon level .
can your menstrual cycle change after being sexually active ?
No, women becoming sexually active does not directly change their menstrual cycle. Still, when their harmonics change, it may affect the cycle. Harmon changes occur during pregnancy, and other factors like Stress and emotion may also affect the cycle.
Which hormones regulate menstrual cycle ?
- GnRH: Gonadotropin-releasing hormone
- FSH: Follicle-stimulating hormone
- LH: Luteinizing hormone
- Estrogen: it has two subset called estradiol and estrone.
- Progesterone: it is harmone
Can sperm change your menstrual cycle ?
No, Men sperm cannot change a woman’s menstrual cycle, but hormones do, and Hormones change by many factors like stress and lifestyle.
Can donating plasma affect your menstrual cycle ?
The effect of donating plasma on your menstrual cycle is not definitive, and not much study has been shown; however, it may affect women to women in some situations.
It is advisable to consult the doctor if facing such an issue.
Does tooth extraction affect menstrual cycle ?
There is No evidence that tooth extraction affects the cycle. Still, as previously said, if a hormone change impacts the cycle, other factors may not affect it.
Does water fasting affect menstrual cycle?
There is No Evidence.
How to regulate menstrual cycle with PCOS ?
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle like diet, exercise, and managing stress could help; we have created separate posts for it.
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